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Digital Marketing Insurance


If you provide Digital Marketing services or assist with advertising campaigns then you will face a variety of risks and potential threats which could lead to a claim for compensation from your clients or any third parties as a result of problems with your work.


You need to have in place a very specific insurance policy that will respond and make sure that you can continue to create and succeed in your business.


When you consider the risks that you face when writing blogs, posting photographs and images, and generally interacting with social media, then a strong and robust insurance policy is needed.


So what can we offer ...



Professional Risks cover for Digital Marketing Companies


The basis of the cover is the comprehensive protection offered by Professional Risks insurance.


Examples of the scope of protection offered are:


Breach of any contract between you and your client, including reasonable compensatory payments, where the claim is brought by your client;


Infringement of intellectual property rights like copyright, trademark, or any act of passing off;


Negligence or breach of duty: if you fail in a duty of care to your client, perhaps giving incorrect advice or making a mistake in your work;


Breach of confidentiality, invasion of privacy, or a violation of any other legal protections for personal information;


Defamation: libel and slander and claims for emotional distress or outrage based on harm to the character or reputation of any person or entity;


Dishonesty of your partners, sub-contractors, and self-employed freelancers;


Breach of a license where you have acquired a third-party’s trademark or copyrighted material but only to the extent your use inadvertently exceeds express limitations in the license;


Advertising: breach of a comparative advertising statute and unintentional breach of advertising codes where the claim is brought by your client;


Any other civil liability: this means that if a claim or loss occurs because of your business activities and we haven’t specifically excluded it and it’s not a criminal prosecution, it’s covered;


Sub Contractors: work undertaken on your behalf by sub-contractors or self-employed freelancers. However, we reserve the right to recover losses from your sub-contractors or self-employed freelancers;


Network security and personal data events, including the transmission of a computer virus, denial of service attacks, and unauthorized use or disclosure of personal or confidential corporate data.



In addition to this high level of cover, we can then add on traditional covers for








Get a Quote


We would be delighted to offer you a quotation for your business and we treat each business individually with a personal service to each of our clients. Simply click the button below and that will take you through to the page where you can contact us.



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