It is very much part of life, risk is around us every day, making us make decisions that affect the way we live and the way we work.
In the business world, this risk can be offset and mitigated by the placement of specific insurance policies to help defend the outcome of those risks.
Some of the insurance protections are legally required, for example, Employers Liability for anyone who employs staff. The rest of the insurance placement comes down to a mix of understanding the risks you face and also the understanding of the insurance professional you nominate to arrange the covers for you.
If you work online then you face a distinctly different set of risks than those faced by someone who works traditionally in the physical world.
Likewise choosing a traditional high street broker to solve those issues is probably not the best decision - you need to talk to an online specialist, one that can help you because they understand the risks you face.
Gleaming Risk Services Ltd are just that type of broker - we can help you place specific digital insurance covers as part of a traditional type policy, or in complete isolation.
When your next covers are due for renewal, get in touch and see if we can help you.